Facts about the Benefits of Soursop for Cancer

Soursop benefits are known to be good for health. The fruit that is found in Indonesia is believed to be able to treat cancer, fight infection, and can help maintain blood sugar levels in diabetics. Is that right? Soursop is a fruit that is high in fiber and also vitamin C, but its calorie content is low. In addition to the content, soursop is rich in antioxidants that can counteract free radicals. Therefore, it is believed that one of the benefits of soursop is reducing the risk of getting cancer, diabetes, and fighting infection.

Scientific Evidence Related to Benefits of Soursop

Soursop fruit is thought to have an effect on certain diseases, including:
  • Has anticancer properties

  • In laboratory studies, soursop extract which is rich in antioxidants can kill several types of liver cancer cells and breast cancer cells that are resistant to certain chemotherapy drugs. Soursop extract is also observed to inhibit the growth of pancreatic and prostate cancer cells. However, until now, there have been no studies that test the truth of this claim in humans directly. Therefore, further research needs to be done to ascertain the benefits of soursop as an anticancer in humans. If you want to take soursop supplements as part of cancer treatment, you should consult your doctor first. Also, make sure the products you consume are registered with the BPOM (Food and Drug Monitoring Agency).
  • Treating Infection

  • Based on laboratory tests, the benefits of soursop are also seen to combat bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. Traditionally in some areas, soursop is also believed to treat malaria and parasitic infections. But just like its anticancer effect, this benefit is only limited to clinical trials in the laboratory and has not been proven to cure diseases caused by infections in humans.
  • As Antidiabetic

  • Animal studies have shown that soursop has antidiabetic effects and can help maintain blood sugar levels. However, the clinical effects of the benefits of soursop in humans can not be ascertained. So far, the benefits of soursop to treat diabetes in humans still need to be further investigated.

Risks and Side Effects of Soursop

Excessive consumption of soursop supplements can cause some side effects such as nerve disorders with symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease, impaired body movements, to damage to the liver and kidneys. Soursop supplements are also not recommended for consumption if you have several conditions such as:
  • Have low blood pressure
  • Being in the treatment of hypertension or diabetes
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Having liver or kidney abnormalities
As a healthy food intake, soursop can be an option because this fruit has a high antioxidant content and vitamin C and fiber are good for health. But so far the benefits of soursop as a treatment are still in doubt because no one has been able to present clinical trials or medical research evidence of this. If you want to consume soursop as an alternative treatment for cancer, always talk to your doctor first, especially if you have certain medical conditions.


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